
Saturday, December 13, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Mystery Skins

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.
Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery

Atomic Robot's Mystery Skins
Featuring miscellaneous skins that don't fit in the other sections, including original creations of Atomic Robot.

Alice the Wonder Lass

 The first skin I ever made for the alchemiss mesh, loosely inspired by Alice from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. For the alchemiss mesh. 


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. 

Dedicated Follower of Fashion

 A 1960's era Carnaby Street type. Not really sure why I made this. For the male_suit mesh. 

Teenage Cavegirl

This Dinosaur-clompin' teenage warrior protected her tribe from prehistoric super-villains in the year 1 million B.C., and now she has been zapped into the 20'th century where she protects her new home as "Teenage Cavegirl." For the alchemiss mesh. 

This skin tied for like, third place or something, on some skinning contest from Freedom Force Center, and I won a Freedom Force t-shirt. 


 A "Silver Surfer" type skin for the alchemiss mesh. I made this because I was really impressed by the Gryphon's Silver Surfer skin and I was trying to recreate the same effect. 


 This is PV_Detective_Atomic: a hex edited version of Texas Jack's Pulp_Versatile mesh. Hex and standard skin by Atomic Robot. It also comes packaged with a skin of Chester Gould's comic strip character Dick Tracy, which you can preview below. This mesh is suitable for many hard-boiled detective style skins. The police badge the standard skin wears on his belt is actually a reproduction of Sgt. Joe Friday's badge from Dragnet, although it's so small on the skin that you can't really make out any of the details. 

NEW SKIN! Dick Tracy

 Chester Gould's famous comic strip detective, Dick Tracy. This skin comes packaged as a 'bonus' skin with my PV_Detective_Atomic mesh. 


 A variation on my Chromatica skin for the alchemiss mesh. 


 Some guy in a Hazmat or Radiation suit. One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. For the microwave mesh.


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. 


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. 


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh.

Pablo AKA "Psycho Eye"

 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. This one also won like, third place or something in a skinning contest from FFC. I was supposed to receive a signed Freedom Force t-shirt, but they never bothered to send it to me.

Reptile Girl

 One of several lizard or snake-like skins I made. For the female_longhair mesh. 

Reptile Man

One of several lizard or snake-like skins I made. For the male_basic mesh.  

Reptile Woman

 One of several lizard or snake-like skins I made. For the female_basic mesh.


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. 

The Spirit

 Will Eisner's The Spirit - possibly the most influential comic of all time. Criminologist Denny Colt is believed to be dead, but secretly lives on, fighting crime as "The Spirit" from his base in Wildwood Cemetery. For the male_suit mesh. 


 This is PV_Swashbuckler_Atomic: a hex edited version of Texas Jack's Pulp_Versatile mesh. Hex and standard skin by Atomic Robot. It also comes packaged with a skin of the Batman villain Cavalier which you can preview here

Space Vampire

 "Space Vampire" is a super creepy super-villain from outer space who drains the life-force from her victims in much the same way as vampires drain blood, except unlike vampires, there's a reasonable scientific explanation for her powers (like exposure to "cosmic V-rays" or something). For the alchemiss mesh.

This skin was a runner up in FFC's alchemiss skinning contest. 

Wasteboy 1

 One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. His outfit looks more like a jogging outfit, though. Oh well. For the Nick mesh. 

 Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group. 

Wasteboy 2

 One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. His outfit looks more like a jogging outfit, though. Oh well. For the Nick mesh. 

 Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group. 

Wasteboy 3

One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. His outfit looks more like a jogging outfit, though. Oh well. For the Nick mesh. 

 Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group. 

Wastegirl 1

One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. The women are carrying, like, big rods of plutonium. For the bacchite mesh.

Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group.

Wastegirl 2

One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. The women are carrying, like, big rods of plutonium. For the bacchite mesh.

Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group.

Wastegirl 3

One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. The women are carrying, like, big rods of plutonium. For the bacchite mesh.

Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group.

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Update: Holy Bat-Skin Update, Atomic Robot-Man!

  This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.

Update: December 13, 2003
Holy Bat-Skin Update, Atomic Robot-Man!

I've got oodles of new skins, variant skins and a couple of mildly hexed meshes online now for your pleasure. They are mostly Batman related, so a trip to my Batman Section should be your first destination to preview them. 

These include some hexed pulp_versatile meshes of The Joker and Professor Hugo Strange, as well as Dr. No-Face (Who? Yeah, he's a real Batman villain, if a bit on the obscure side).
I've also got a bunch of new skins, the crown jewel of the bunch being Polka-Dot-Man, perhaps the goofiest Batman villain ever! Then I've got over a dozen variations of Batman in all the colors of the gay rainbow. These include Batman in his original costume from Detective Comics #27, The Ghost of Batman, North Pole Camouflage Batman, The Flying Batman, The Negative Batman, and more. Every one of these variant costumes comes from an actual Batman comic, they aren't things I am just making up (not that there would be anything wrong with that.)

Finally, check out my Mystery Skins Section to see another pulp hex for a Police Detective, featuring a skin of comic strip detective Dick Tracy. 

All these skins and meshes are available in my first yahoo group, here. The meshes are also available on my second yahoo group, here.

 In order to fit all these files onto my first yahoo group, I had to move some of my other skins over to my second one. Now my first group contains Hexed Pulp Meshes, Batman Skins, Superman Skins, and skins of other DC Comics characters. My second group contains Hexed Pulp Meshes, and all of my other skins, like of TV and movie characters and original creations.