
Saturday, December 13, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Mystery Skins

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.
Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery

Atomic Robot's Mystery Skins
Featuring miscellaneous skins that don't fit in the other sections, including original creations of Atomic Robot.

Alice the Wonder Lass

 The first skin I ever made for the alchemiss mesh, loosely inspired by Alice from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. For the alchemiss mesh. 


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. 

Dedicated Follower of Fashion

 A 1960's era Carnaby Street type. Not really sure why I made this. For the male_suit mesh. 

Teenage Cavegirl

This Dinosaur-clompin' teenage warrior protected her tribe from prehistoric super-villains in the year 1 million B.C., and now she has been zapped into the 20'th century where she protects her new home as "Teenage Cavegirl." For the alchemiss mesh. 

This skin tied for like, third place or something, on some skinning contest from Freedom Force Center, and I won a Freedom Force t-shirt. 


 A "Silver Surfer" type skin for the alchemiss mesh. I made this because I was really impressed by the Gryphon's Silver Surfer skin and I was trying to recreate the same effect. 


 This is PV_Detective_Atomic: a hex edited version of Texas Jack's Pulp_Versatile mesh. Hex and standard skin by Atomic Robot. It also comes packaged with a skin of Chester Gould's comic strip character Dick Tracy, which you can preview below. This mesh is suitable for many hard-boiled detective style skins. The police badge the standard skin wears on his belt is actually a reproduction of Sgt. Joe Friday's badge from Dragnet, although it's so small on the skin that you can't really make out any of the details. 

NEW SKIN! Dick Tracy

 Chester Gould's famous comic strip detective, Dick Tracy. This skin comes packaged as a 'bonus' skin with my PV_Detective_Atomic mesh. 


 A variation on my Chromatica skin for the alchemiss mesh. 


 Some guy in a Hazmat or Radiation suit. One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. For the microwave mesh.


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. 


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. 


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh.

Pablo AKA "Psycho Eye"

 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. This one also won like, third place or something in a skinning contest from FFC. I was supposed to receive a signed Freedom Force t-shirt, but they never bothered to send it to me.

Reptile Girl

 One of several lizard or snake-like skins I made. For the female_longhair mesh. 

Reptile Man

One of several lizard or snake-like skins I made. For the male_basic mesh.  

Reptile Woman

 One of several lizard or snake-like skins I made. For the female_basic mesh.


 One of several variations on my "Psycho Eye" design of Giant Eyeball-Headed Alien Matadors. For the alien_warrior mesh. 

The Spirit

 Will Eisner's The Spirit - possibly the most influential comic of all time. Criminologist Denny Colt is believed to be dead, but secretly lives on, fighting crime as "The Spirit" from his base in Wildwood Cemetery. For the male_suit mesh. 


 This is PV_Swashbuckler_Atomic: a hex edited version of Texas Jack's Pulp_Versatile mesh. Hex and standard skin by Atomic Robot. It also comes packaged with a skin of the Batman villain Cavalier which you can preview here

Space Vampire

 "Space Vampire" is a super creepy super-villain from outer space who drains the life-force from her victims in much the same way as vampires drain blood, except unlike vampires, there's a reasonable scientific explanation for her powers (like exposure to "cosmic V-rays" or something). For the alchemiss mesh.

This skin was a runner up in FFC's alchemiss skinning contest. 

Wasteboy 1

 One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. His outfit looks more like a jogging outfit, though. Oh well. For the Nick mesh. 

 Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group. 

Wasteboy 2

 One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. His outfit looks more like a jogging outfit, though. Oh well. For the Nick mesh. 

 Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group. 

Wasteboy 3

One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. His outfit looks more like a jogging outfit, though. Oh well. For the Nick mesh. 

 Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group. 

Wastegirl 1

One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. The women are carrying, like, big rods of plutonium. For the bacchite mesh.

Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group.

Wastegirl 2

One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. The women are carrying, like, big rods of plutonium. For the bacchite mesh.

Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group.

Wastegirl 3

One of several mutant nuclear power plant workers from a Post-Apocalyptic world ruled by robots or something. The women are carrying, like, big rods of plutonium. For the bacchite mesh.

Note: I've moved this skin to my second yahoo group.

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Update: Holy Bat-Skin Update, Atomic Robot-Man!

  This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.

Update: December 13, 2003
Holy Bat-Skin Update, Atomic Robot-Man!

I've got oodles of new skins, variant skins and a couple of mildly hexed meshes online now for your pleasure. They are mostly Batman related, so a trip to my Batman Section should be your first destination to preview them. 

These include some hexed pulp_versatile meshes of The Joker and Professor Hugo Strange, as well as Dr. No-Face (Who? Yeah, he's a real Batman villain, if a bit on the obscure side).
I've also got a bunch of new skins, the crown jewel of the bunch being Polka-Dot-Man, perhaps the goofiest Batman villain ever! Then I've got over a dozen variations of Batman in all the colors of the gay rainbow. These include Batman in his original costume from Detective Comics #27, The Ghost of Batman, North Pole Camouflage Batman, The Flying Batman, The Negative Batman, and more. Every one of these variant costumes comes from an actual Batman comic, they aren't things I am just making up (not that there would be anything wrong with that.)

Finally, check out my Mystery Skins Section to see another pulp hex for a Police Detective, featuring a skin of comic strip detective Dick Tracy. 

All these skins and meshes are available in my first yahoo group, here. The meshes are also available on my second yahoo group, here.

 In order to fit all these files onto my first yahoo group, I had to move some of my other skins over to my second one. Now my first group contains Hexed Pulp Meshes, Batman Skins, Superman Skins, and skins of other DC Comics characters. My second group contains Hexed Pulp Meshes, and all of my other skins, like of TV and movie characters and original creations.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Update: Goofy Batman Villains, Hexed Pulp Mesh, New Yahoo Group

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.

Update: October 29, 2003
Goofy Batman Villains, Hexed Pulp Mesh, New Yahoo Group

Now me have two Yahoo Groups! Other group is here! It has leftover stuff me no have room for on first group! Haw! Haw! Haw! Haw! New stuff will still go on first group, here! Not on second group! Yagooooo!

I've got several new skins from Batman's Rogues Gallery today, and they're some of the losing-est Batman villains of them all! Firefly: fighting with the power of happy rainbows!! How will Batman Survive? Killer Moth: In the wild, the one creature that strikes fear into the heart of a bat is the moth! The fearsome moth! The frightening moth! The shiny, candy-colored moth! How will Batman surive?

I've also dabbled with hexing and made a version of Texas Jack's pulp_versatile mesh that I have dubbed PV_Swashbuckler. It has a standard "generic" swashbuckler skin, and also comes with a bonus skin of the Batman villain Cavalier. If Errol Flynn was a Batman villain, and he was really, really lame, then he would be the Cavalier! How will Batman survive?


Tuesday, October 7, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Pirate Skins

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.
Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery
Atomic Robot's Pirates Skins
Shiver me timbers. 
Original Picture Lost!
Captain Crimson (original picture lost)
 Arrrr! Captain Crimson is the "standard" skin for the PV_Pirate mesh by MikeB7 and Texas Jack. Download the mesh with the skin from FX Force in the Hexed Meshes section. 

Salty John

 Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum! For Mike B7's and Texas Jack's PV_Pirate mesh. 

Earl the Grey
 Avast, Ye Mateys! For Mike B7's and Texas Jack's PV_Pirate mesh. 

Spooky Ghost Pirate
 The Spooky Ghost Pirate likes to hang around abandoned amusement parks scaring talking dogs and groovy teenagers. For Mike B7's and Texas Jack's PV_Pirate mesh. 

Black Pete
 Walk the Plank! For Mike B7's and Texas Jack's PV_Pirate mesh.

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Fearsom Force Skins

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery
Atomic Robot's Fearsome Force
Featuring skins of the evil alternate-universe commie version of Freedom Force

Robert over at FFStuff has made new versions of Fearsome Force, including extra characters I never skinned. Click here to check them out.


Comm-u-Miss -- the evil commie version of Alchemiss from a parallel universe! As a member of Fearsome Force, she uses her powers to strike terror into the citizens of her alternate version of Patriot City. For the alchemiss mesh. 


Cosmonaut -- the evil commie version of Mentor from a parallel universe! As a member of Fearsome Force, he uses his powers to strike terror into the citizens of his alternate version of Patriot City. For the mentor mesh. 

Diablo Rojo
Diablo Rojo -- the evil commie version of El Diablo from a parallel universe! As a member of Fearsome Force, he uses his powers to strike terror into the citizens of his alternate version of Patriot City. For the el_diablo mesh. 

Marxist Man

Marxist Man -- the evil commie version of Minute Man from a parallel universe! As a member of Fearsome Force, he uses his powers to strike terror into the citizens of his alternate version of Patriot City. For the minute_man mesh. 


Red Streak -- the evil commie version of Bullet from a parallel universe! As a member of Fearsome Force, he uses his powers to strike terror into the citizens of his alternate version of Patriot City. For the bullet mesh.

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Update: Pirates! New Version of Fearsome Force! Removed Skins!

  This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.

Update: October 7, 2003
Pirates! New Version of Fearsome Force! Removed Skins!

I've got a bevy of new pirate skins available for Mike B7's and Texas Jack's PV_Pirate mesh. The mesh is available from FX Force in the Hexed Meshes section, with a standard skin by me! Check out my Pirates section to see this and my other pirate skins available from my Yahoo Group.

Robert over at FFStuff has new versions of Fearsome Force (my evil, commie version of Freedom Force) that he has skinned, available at FFStuff. These include new versions of the characters I had done, as well as some new characters that I never skinned myself. Check them out.
I've had to remove a few of my older skins to make room for my newer ones. If anyone wants one of the skins I've removed, please let me know and I'll try to get it to you.

Friday, September 12, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Update: Catwoman

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.
Update: September 12, 2003

I've created a skin of Catwoman for Bobby 69's batgirl_classic69 mesh. It works out pretty well for Catwoman, except for the spiked fins on the arms, and the bat shaped cape. It'll do until someone makes a dedicated Catwoman mesh, though.

Monday, September 8, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Update: Two Versions of Man-Bat

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.

Update: September 8, 2003
Two Versions of Man-Bat

I've added two versions of Man-Bat for Lord Ehmsidy's Flyer mesh. One is brown, one is black. The mesh is available for download at

It's not a perfect mesh for Man-Bat, as it doesn't have big ears, and it's wings are not bat-shaped, but it's the closest mesh available at the moment, hopefully someone will make an actual Man- Bat mesh someday.

Wednesday, September 3, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Update: No Marvel Skins

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.
Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery

Update: September 3, 2003
Effective Immediately, No Skins of Marvel Comics Characters Will be Available to Preview at This Site, or Download from my Yahoo Group.

After reading the posts on the various forums about Marvel's overzealousness regarding skins of their characters, and now having recieved this email (link follows) from Ken Levine, I've decided to remove all Marvel Comics skins from my Yahoo group. I only have a couple of Marvel skins anyway, and it's not worth taking a chance at having the whole group shut down just to host them. I have no plans at the present to remove any DC Comics skins, not unless DC themselves start complaining about it, not just Marvel complaining on DC's "behalf."

This sucks. I'm not even a very big Marvel fan, but alot of people are, and it's just not fair to them to take all their skins away. We're not making any money off this, or taking any money away from them. If anything, these skins are a free form of promotion for them and probably get people who would otherwise be unfamiliar with Marvel Comics introduced to their characters and into the comic book shops to read about them. Pissing off die-hard fans like us is so stupid, we're the only thing keeping the comic book industry alive these days... sure they make all their money from toys and movies and stuff, but without people actually reading the comics that all their toys and movies are based on, how long do you think that will last? Ah, man, I'm just ranting now.... sorry, I'm just very unhappy right now. 

Anyways, here's the text of the email I just recieved...

 Sept 3, 2003


Dear Freedom Force Users and Fans:

It has been brought to our attention by Marvel Enterprises, Inc. that some Freedom Force users are allegedly creating and distributing characters for the Freedom Force game based on Marvel and DC comic book characters. While we are flattered by the mods and missions that people have created for the Freedom Force game and applaud the creativity that has spawned thousands of unique and original heroes, we wish to take this opportunity to remind you that Irrational Games' Editor's End User License Agreement ("EULA") provides that end user modifications ("Mods"):

"…may not contain any material subject to copyright or trademark unless you have obtained the consent of the copyright or trademark holder."

Irrational Games is concerned that copyrighted material belonging to third parties not be wrongfully duplicated and distributed by our users. One of our goals in creating Freedom Force is to allow the community to share in the joy of bringing their own creations to life and we do not want to discourage you from continuing to do this. While we appreciate your desire to see your favorite comic book characters in Freedom Force (and many other video games for that matter) and we understand that many of you think that Marvel's zealousness in pursuing this issue may be misplaced, we implore you to exercise your creativity and create your own heroes for the Freedom Force world!

As many of you may be aware, a Freedom Force fan site was recently shut down because it was distributing unauthorized copies of Marvel and DC characters. There may be numerous other websites doing the same. While Irrational Games has no control over or relation to these websites (including, we hope anyone owning or operating such a website realizes the seriousness of this problem and acts to resolve these issues accordingly, to protect your own interests, as well as Marvel's and ours.

We have also noticed that some websites may be using the Freedom Force logo on their websites. We ask that any websites, Mods, etc. that are using the Freedom Force logo please stop doing so without our specific written approval (please email for more information). You may, however, still describe your Mod as a Freedom Force mod or a "mod for the Freedom Force game", that is, in a way that merely states that your mod works with the Freedom Force game. We hope that you can see that if everyone used the Freedom Force logo on their websites, no one would know which site is the official Freedom Force website (e.g., Irrational Games' website).

I thank you for your attention. I sincerely hope you recognize the importance and gravity of what I have discussed and will act accordingly.

Kenneth M. Levine
General Manager, Irrational Games

This is Atomic Robot again, hopefully I'll be able to keep the rest of my skins available for anyone who wants them... 

Aloha, Atomic Robot

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Update: Two Skins

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.

Update: August 10, 2003
Two Skins

I've got two new skins for the male_heavy mesh. First is the Golden Age green Lantern's mortal enemy Solomon Grundy. Check him out in my Heroes and Villains section.

Next is Batman villain Mark Desmond AKA The Blockbuster. I actually posted this one a few days ago but I never wrote an update for it. Preview this skin in my Batman section.
My skins are available to download from my Yahoo! Group.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Update: New Skins, and Some Variations on a Few Old Ones, Part 2

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.

Update: July 25, 2003
New Skins, and Some Variations on a Few Old Ones, Part 2

I've got two new skins for you today. First up is The Flash's Freeze Gun wielding nemesis Captain Cold. Check him out in my Heroes and Villains section.

Next, I've got a skin no one was pining away for: The Composite Superman. You can read about that one in my Superman section.
I've also got another batch of variations on my old skins for different meshes. I've got two new versions of J'onn J'onnz the Manhunter from Mars and one new version of The Flash. You can read about those in my Justice League section. Finally, I've got a new version of Superman which you can read about here.
As always, all of my skins are available to download from my Yahoo! Group.