
Friday, October 26, 2018

Beavis and Butt-Head - "Bungholio: Lord of the Harvest"

Beavis and Butt-Head

"Bungholio: Lord of the Harvest"
Beavis and Butt-Head - Season 6 Episode 1
Originally aired Halloween Night, October 31, 1995

Bungholio: Lord of the Harvest

"Bungholio: Lord of the Harvest" was the Beavis and Butt-Head Halloween Special that aired on Halloween night in 1995.  It starts out like a normal Beavis and Butt-Head episode, with the boys sitting at home watching TV.  Eventually, trick-or-treaters coming to their door alert them to the fact that it is Halloween.  The boys decide to throw together some quick costumes so they can go out trick-or-treating and score some candy.  Beavis puts underwear on his head and says he is a "nad."  Butt-Head pours hot cheese sauce over his head and says he is "nachos."

"Trick or Treat!"
What follows is some typical Beavis and Butt-Head comedy as the boys travel door-to-door and interact humorously with the people in their neighborhood, including regular characters like Mr. Van Dreissen, the hippie high school teacher, and old man Tom Anderson.  But things take a dark turn into horror when Beavis ingests so much candy that the sugar rush transforms him into his alter ego "Cornholoio,"  and his insane meanderings lead to a series of violent incidents culminating in his own death.

Beavis is Unwilling to Share the Candy
I remember watching this when it originally aired and being very impressed by the dark turn it took towards the end, perfectly setting the mood for Halloween horror.

Cornholio Wanders Through a Graveyard

Highland Texas Chainsaw Massacre
 Music videos featured in his episode:
  • Alice Cooper - Teenage Frankenstein
  • Paul Broucek - Hollywood Halloween
  • King Diamond - The Family Ghost

Paul Broucek - Hollywood Halloween (Commentary by Beavis and Butt-Head)

See the other music videos featured in this episode, plus more screencaps after the break...

Alice Cooper - Teenage Frankenstein

King Diamond - The Family Ghost


"Trick or Treat!"

Butt-Head Steals Candy From Kids

Mad Dad Kicks the Lads in the Nads


Alice Cooper - Teenage Frankenstein

Hitting the Streets

No Costumes - No Candy


The Boys Try on Butt-Head's "Special Monkey Sheets"

Beavis puts on a Winger shirt and says "I'm going as a wuss!"

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who's the Dumbest of Them All?

"I'm a nad!"

"I'm nachos!"

Two-fer Costume: The Lone Ranger AND Tonto!
The Lone Ranger is not Impressed With Butt-Head's "Nachos" Costume

Beavis is Fixated on Stuart's Mom's Boobs

Masters of Disguise

"All I have are organic walnut clusters and these 'My Other Car is a Bike' bumper stickers."

Tom Anderson Views the Boys With Suspicion

Free Candy!

TOO MUCH Free Candy?

Anderson's Suspicions are Proven Correct


"I am Bungholio!"

The Wuss Pack

"Give me your T.P.!"

"Trick or Treat, you son of a bitch!"

"You will not be safe from me Almighty Bunghole!"

Paul Broucek - Hollywood Halloween

"I am Cornholio!"

"Are you threatening me?"

Cornholio vs. Todd

Butt-Head Wants to Party With Todd and his Crew

Butt-Head Rides in the Trunk

 "I am Cornholio, Guardian of the Great Bunghole!"

" You must give me your candy, I need rollios for my bunghole!"

"Get in that barn, boy!"

King Diamond - The Family Ghost

The Barn of Horrors

The Death of Beavis
Blood Drips on the Camera Lens

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