
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Misfit Robot Daydream's Most Popular Horror Posts, #16: House (aka Hausu) (1977)

Misfit Robot Daydream's Most Popular Horror Posts, #16:
House (aka Hausu) (1977)

Recipe for Hausu
Take 6 Japanese schoolgirls: Gorgeous (the cute one), Prof (the smart one), Melody (the musician), Kung Fu (the martial artist), Mac (as in sto-Mac-h... the fat one), Sweet (the nice one), and Fantasy (the daydreaming romantic). Deposit in a creepy old house. Add one spooky ghost cat. Sprinkle on a liberal dose of colorful, cartoony special effects. Stir in an ocean of blood and severed body parts, and let boil for 1 and a half hours. Now ready to serve.


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