
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Misfit Robot Daydream's Most Popular Horror Posts, #15: The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)

Misfit Robot Daydream's Most Popular Horror Posts, #15:
The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)

I just watched Don Knotts play an aspiring newspaper reporter, who has to spend the night in a haunted house, and finds himself entangled in a murder mystery, in this 1966 horror comedy from Universal.  You, know, I didn't have particularly high hopes for this movie, but I was hoping for something better than what I got.  This "horror comedy" really isn't funny or scary.  I didn't laugh once.  All the jokes were really stale, and they tended to repeat them over and over, as if they would somehow get funnier the second, third, fourth, or fifth time around. 


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