
Monday, September 17, 2018

Misfit Robot Daydream's Most Popular Horror Posts, #14: Monster Cereal Taste-Off!

Misfit Robot Daydream's Most Popular Horror Posts, #14:
Monster Cereal Taste-Off!

I was pretty excited when I was grocery shopping the other day and saw some Monster Cereal for sale, just in time for Halloween.  "Yes!," I Thought to myself, "I love that stuff!"

Or do I?  Because now that I think of it, I don't remember eating it much when I was a kid.  It was always only available for a limited time around Halloween, and we hardly ever bought it.  I know I had it a few times, though, but I don't remember what it tasted like.  But that's good, that means I can evaluate the taste for what it is, and not have to compare it to my childhood memories, which would probably make it out to be better than it really was.


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