Tuesday, July 8, 2003

Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery: Justice League of America Skins

This post originally appeared, in a somewhat different format, on my old website, "Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery" at www.geocities.com/robotatomic.  That website is now offline, although an archived version of it is available at http://www.oocities.org/robotatomic/index.html.  Much of the information is now out of date, and many of the links may be inactive, but I'm keeping it online here for posterity's sake.
Atomic Robot's Freedom Force Gallery

Atomic Robot's Justice League of America Skins

Featuring skins inspired by the Justice League of America and other DC Comics characters of the 1940's through 1970's. 

Most of my Justice League skins have been updated with greater detail, and a few have been redone completely. I've also added glow and reflection files for meshes that have them enabled. Check them out at my latest group, Atomic Robot Skins 3

UPDATED! Aquaman
 The Silver Age Aquaman, co-founder of the Justice League of America, and King of the Seven Seas. With his ability to talk to and befriend fish, he is a formidable opponent indeed. For the male_basic mesh. 


The Silver Age Atom, member of the Justice League of America. The Atom had the abilities to shrink in size and alter his weight, neither of which is reproducable in Freedom Force. Enjoy! For the male_basic mesh. 

Captain Cold
The Freeze Gun weilding nemesis of The Flash. For MikeB7's TM_hood_holster_gloves_boots hexed mesh. 

UPDATED! The Flash
The Silver Age Flash, co-founding member of the Justice League of America. Poor Flash, he's the Fastest Man Alive, but he's always late for his dates with his girlfriend Iris. Ironic, huh? For the male_basic mesh and Bobby69's flash_allen69 mesh. 

NEW SKIN! Green Arrow
The Silver Age Green Arrow, member of the Justice League of America and Master of the Wacky Art of Archery. He's kind of like Batman, only lame. For the Beyonder's male_archer_round mesh. This is a new version of Green Arrow that replaces my previous skin.

UPDATED! Green Lantern
The Silver Age Green Lantern, a co-founder of the Justice League of America. Once in a Super Friends cartoon, he made a Green Jeep and was driving around in it, and I was like, "Dude, you can fly, why are you driving around in a green jeep?!," but he didn't listen. For the male_basic mesh.

Solomon Grundy
Solomon Grundy: scary zombie something-or-other! Mortal enemy of the Golden Age Green Lantern! Sometimes enemy of the modern day Batman! For the male_heavy mesh.

UPDATED! Hawkman

The Silver Age Hawkman, member of the Justice League of America and Winged Wonder from Outer Space. Hawkman has a lot in common with Aquaman. Aquaman can talk to fish, and Hawkman can talk to birds, plus they both love to eat worms. For the male_alpha mesh. 

UPDATED! The Manhunter from Mars
The Silver Age J'onn J'onzz, co-founding member of the Justice League of America. When Batman heard J'onn J'onzz (pronounced John Jones) chose the secret ID of "John Jones," he sarcastically announced he was changing his name from "Batman" to "B'rooz W'ane," but J'onn didn't realize it was a joke. For the male_cape mesh. Also available for The Beyonder's male_cape_boots mesh and for the TM_ J´onn_ J´onzz hexed mesh by Felídeo.

Snapper Carr

 This finger-snappin', slang talkin', teenage beatnik was an honorary member of the Silver Age Justice League of America. Snapper has no powers, yet he is unquestionably the greatest JLA member of all time. For the Nick mesh.

UPDATED! Wonder Woman
The Silver Age Wonder Woman, co-founding member of the Justice League of America. She is an Amazon Princess, so naturally she flies around in an invisble robot plane, like any good Amazon Princess would. For the female_longhair mesh. Also works for the female_longhair_effects mesh, and is available for Beardedinlair's Wonder Woman mesh, too. 

UPDATED! Wonder Woman with Cape
 The Silver Age Wonder Woman, co-founding member of the Justice League of America. She is an Amazon Princess, so naturally she flies around in an invisble robot plane, like any good Amazon Princess would. For Mienk's female_cape mesh. Available on my second yahoo group. 

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